Bringing Healing Home
Compassionate Touch Canada

Compassionate Touch Canada is a mobile, Geriatric Massage and Dementia Touch Therapy service for individuals living in Independent/Assisted Living, Complex/Longterm or Residential Care, Memory Homes, hospitals, hospice and private homes. We are completely mobile, convenient and affordable.

Company overview
About Compassionate Touch Canada

Compassionate Touch Canada (CTC) was born out of the desire to walk with our clients through the natural aging process until the end of life. Initially, we had offered massage to adults aged 65+. We massaged clients on special massage chairs to help improve clients’ circulation and mobility in general. Quickly, we realized that each client had specific needs that needed to be addressed.

We helped people work through injuries caused by falls, helped people recover their mobility more quickly after operations, dealt with scar tissue from past accidents/operations that limited movement, incorporated reflexology, passive stretching and different forms of massage to meet specific issues such as sciatica and RLS. We took courses to learn about massage and the lymphatic system as well as the best techniques to treat people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s. We became educated about trigger points, stroke recovery and dementia therapy.

Looking back, we had a handful of clients in their 60’s, but most of our clients have been between 80-95 years old. Many of these people have stayed with our company since its inception, but have been transitioning into long-term care due to physical and/or mental deterioration.

We have followed our clients to hospitals and long-term care facilities to continue therapy.

We have developed ways of helping people who suffer from dementia stay connected to their own bodies and surroundings.

We collect information from the clients, their families and other medical staff in order to stimulate them mentally and access positive memories that bring joy and comfort.

We find out the type of music that they enjoy as well as special interests they may have had, so that we can speak to each client about topics that are meaningful to them.

In the later stages of dementia, when speech is no longer possible, we continue to talk about their lives, their families and sing familiar songs to them. Over the years, through experimentation and study, we have learned how to care for and engage with our clients in significant ways that bring comfort and reassurance where there may be confusion and anxiety.

Compassionate Touch Canada is committed to provide the absolute best care for our clients and their families. It has been a great privilege to be with clients during their last days and hours to provide them with gentle, loving touch that lets them know that they are not alone. As lay chaplains, we are prepared to meet the spiritual needs of the clients and their families if desired.

We hope that Compassionate Touch Canada will have an opportunity to serve you and your family in the future!

What people are saying

And we're so grateful for you! When we met, it was clear what a kind, caring person you are. After you left, Dad said he would look forward to any time spent with you which was lovely to hear. Dad is being helped on so many levels by your care. Obviously the actual massage and physical touch does wonders but the interaction with you and the warmth you share enriches his life. You're a very special person doing very special work.


Compassionate Touch Canada is so unique. They really care and let you know it! I couldn't believe how much time they took to listen to my whole life story and they didn't even charge me! They really go out of their way to make sure that I feel cherished and respected. I am so grateful to have CTC helping me feel great each week!

A. @ Elim

I am over the moon! I am on the list to get my knees replaced, but after massage the pain goes away and I can feel my feet again! I just keep walking around because I can't believe the difference! I may just avoid the trauma of surgery and stick with natural solutions to my pain!

J.M. @ Bear Creek Villa

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Alzheimer's Society of Canada
Arbourside Court
Bear Creek Villa
Billy Graham Association
Clayton Heights
Forever Film
Harrison Pointe
Hilton Villa
National Council of Certified Dementia practitioners
Natural Health Practitioners of Canada
Personalized Dementia Solutions
St. John's Ambulance
WorkSafe BC

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Seminar

Course Modules

  • Aggressive behaviors
  • Personal care
  • Pain
  • Nutrition
  • Activities
  • Environment
  • Staff and family support
  • Diversity and cultural competence
  • Spiritual care and end of life
  • ADL
  • Abuse and neglect
  • Diagnosis
  • Prognosis
  • Treatment
  • Communication
  • Feelings
  • Depression
  • Repetitive behavior
  • Paranoia
  • Wandering
  • Hoarding
  • Catastrophic reactions
  • Intimacy and sexuality


National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners


$300 per attendee* — includes textbook, lunch, & taxes

* cancellation cost: $75

View Course Brochure

Please call for more information.

Who we are


Chonna Munnalall
Founder and CEO

We have multiple practitioners that provide services at multiple locations throughout the lower mainland.

Through the lens
Photo Gallery

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